12th March 2019: The Flaparap Shop has closed. Thanks to everyone who supported me in this venture. If you want to make your own Flaparaps, there's a pattern coming soon (add your email here and I'll let you know when it's ready). If you have Flaparaps and need more pads, contact me for instructions. Best wishes, Born Ready Jenn.

The Flaparap Shop is Closing :(

I'm afraid it's no longer viable for me to run it.

This has been the case for a while, but I invested so much time and effort into turning my hand sewn idea into a professionally produced product that I've been very reluctant to let it go...

Nevertheless, it's been very successful in its own way :)

  • I've shipped Flaparaps to 31 countries - which is amazing!
  • I have lovely letters of thanks from ec-ers from all over the world.
  • I've had customers return to update their Flaparap stash when their second child appears on the scene.
  • I've had updates on potty training success from customers who bought 12 - 24 months previously.

Really, it's been wonderful to make so many ec-ing lives that little bit easier.

Thanks to everyone on here who supported me from the beginning - from testing the prototypes, to buying the finished product.

If you have any happy Flaparapping tales to tell, please do contact me jenn@bornready.uk :)

I love hearing Flaparapping success stories - it more than offsets the misery of dealing with international shipping companies...

If you're thinking of setting up a manufacturing business of your own, I'm sure the story of my venture would be of use to you. I'll try to bash out a blog post in the near future.

As for me - I'm still playing with new ideas, but these days they're mostly electronic (I'm a software developer) so I have a lot more control over both the manufacturing and the delivery - phew!

All the best,

- Born Ready Jenn

FREE UK shipping on orders over £50

Remember 1,2,3 or your Flaparap system won't work: (1) Flaparap, (2) Belts, (3) Pads. (See explanation here.)



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