Flaparap, Flapperwrap, Flapawrap, Flapparap?

I say Flaparap, you say Flapawrap. Flapperwrap. Flapparap.

I know, I know, the word ‘wrap’ begins with a ‘w’.

Flaparaps are drop-flap nappy wraps, so why aren’t they Flapawraps? Or Flapperwraps? Or Flappawraps? Flapper Wraps?

No good reason 😉 I just think the word looks nicer without that ‘w’ in the middle of it.

Born Ready Flaparaps. ‘W’-free nappies for nappy-free babies.

In case you haven’t guessed, this blog post is to help google to help you to find Flaparaps – no matter how you spell your search query.

Here are the five places you’ll want to go from here:

  1. A full introduction to why Flaparaps are so great if you potty your baby.

  2. More about the fabrics and features, videos of the pads sluuuurping up liquid, and advice on how many to order for your needs.

  3. How to use and care for Flaparaps and pads (with more videos of them in action).

  4. Where and how to BUY Flaparaps.

  5. Flaparap reviews like these: We LOVE our Flaparaps!, Best ‘nappies’ I ever tried!, These save my sanity!, Flaparaps are the future!, Flaparaps are truly a marvellous invention!

Happy Pottying!

Born Ready Jenn

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