Discover When, Where and How To Offer The Potty For The Very First Time

… By creating your own personal “First Pottitunity Cheat Sheet”.

Take the quiz to create your tailor-made first pottitunity cheat sheet. (It’s free!)

Baby-led pottying is straight forward, but it’s such a flexible activity that you might be wondering exactly how to start.

So many times and positions to choose from!

Don’t panic. To get started, you’ll need to offer the potty for the very first time. Focus on that one pottitunity and it will make all your decisions a lot simpler.

I’ve created a to help you shape that first potty offer. To guide you to the best approach for you and your child and email you a nifty little cheat sheet to get you started.

It’s a lot like chatting with me directly because I ask the same questions that I ask at my in-person workshops. They’ll help you think about your life, your home and the equipment you have to hand, then pull it together into a detailed mental picture of you actually offering your first pottitunity.

With the cheat sheet to back up your mental imagery, you’ll be offering the potty in no time.

It’s FREE, it will only take a couple of minutes to complete, and I’ll send the resulting strategy directly to your inbox. Glance at in on your smart phone at the start of the day and then launch yourself into a new way of doing things!

If you’re considering baby pottying but have yet to take the plunge… this will help.

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The Comments: Your Turn!

You know more people read the comments than the article, right? Get stuck in!

  1. Went out and bought a £1 potty today and decided to just go for it. Next nappy change instead of putting a fresh nappy straight away I sat my 4 mth old little boy on his new potty and within 2 mins caught a wee!! Then caught another after his bath! Who ever know you could get so excited over a little wee!! So much easier than I thought. Full speed ahead from here on! ?

  2. Potty arrived today. When little one woke up from his nap, i sat him on it and be pee’d within seconds. Sent a pic of the wee to my other other half and grandparents haha.

  3. Decided to try pottying my 7 month old full time 3 days ago thanks to the born ready cheat sheet and so far we’re really happy! His nappies had been poo free since three and a half months (great as I use cloth!) but I had thought pottying wees too would be too difficult. But seeing your website changed my mind and I caught the first wee on day one straight after his first nap! I was thrilled! I’ve been catching about 5/6 wees a day even when out! I feel really positive about pottying now and I’m planning to try the evening pre-empt tonight as I know he always wakes to wee at around 10pm. Fingers crossed! Thanks Jenn for your fantastic website!

  4. I tried to put my 6 weeks old when he woke up, but started crying. So I switched to breastfeeding and then he pooped, so a miss. ?
    Is there something I can do?

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